Sherrylynn Johnson March 2018 Clinic
Fallen Timber Stables, LLC and Kayla Rhodes are proud to host the March 2018 Sherrylynn Johnson Clinic.
Sherrylynn Johnson is a 4x National Finals Qualifier, Alberta Circuit Champion, Canadian Finals Qualifier, and All American Finals Champion.
Her clinic covers barrel racing fundamentals, along with addressing issues on the pattern for the horse and rider.
Achieve correct horsemanship with faster competitive runs!
Two-Day Clinic March 29th – 30th
1501 Fallen Timber Road, Elizabeth, PA 15037
Clinic Jackpot March 31st
330 Gilkeson Rd, Eighty Four, PA 15330
Saddle + $$$ + Prizes!
(if enough entries saddle will be given out)
When & Where:
Thursday, March 29, 2018 – 5:30pm – 8:30pm Fallen Timber Stables
Friday, March 30, 2018 – 5:30pm – 8:30pm Fallen Timber Stables
Saturday, March 31, 2018 – 5:30pm – ? Sydmor Equestrian Center
Clinic Fees:
$275 Clinic is limited to 12 riders
$20 Daily Audit Fee for those who wish to attend as a spectator, only. There is a limit of only 6 paid spectator spots.
NOTE: One spectator per clinic participant is permitted, and may attend for free. Additional spectators are $20 for audit fee, with a limit of 6 spot available. Due to space restrictions there are no exceptions to this policy. Direct any questions to Kayla Rhodes.
Stall Fees:
$25 Limited stall rental (includes bedding) Call for availability. You must have a reservation for stalls prior to arrival.
Hook Up Fees:
$40 Limited hook up fee. Call for availability. You must have a reservation for hookup prior to arrival.
To register, contact: Kayla Rhodes -- 325-668-9672
Deadline to reserve your spot is February 22nd. $138 non-refundable deposit due with registration.
Please adhere to the deadlines and get your checks in early! The clinic is already beginning to fill up!
The first 12 checks received for the clinic will be given spots. For any quantity greater than that, we will hold the check and place you on a Wait List IN THE ORDER THE CHECKS ARE RECEIVED. Due to the extreme interest of her clinic, we, unfortunately, cannot make exceptions to the deadlines.
Make checks payable to: Kayla Rhodes. (in the memo field, please note if it is a Deposit or Full Payment).
Drop payments off at Fallen Timber Stable to Kayla Rhodes or contact her directly to make arrangements.
Deposits are non-refundable. If you cannot attend, you may sell your spot and the person who buys it can make the remaining payment.
Again, due to the extreme interest of this, we, unfortunately, cannot make exceptions to the deadlines.
Please contact Kayla Rhodes 325-668-9672 if you have any questions or need additional information.